CRA gallery
Vintage travel brochures & photographs
NB01 - Pond at the summer palace “Narmada” of
the ruler of Lombok.
NB02 - View on the Dewa temple in Tjakranegara.
NB03 - Three KNIL soldiers amid the remains of
Pagesangan. Fighting for the village lasted from
13 to 17 September, 1894.
NB04 - A group of KNIL soldiers posing inside
benteng Kaleh near Mataram.
NB05 - View on the Dewah temple complex in
Tjakranegara along the road to Mataram.
NB06 - A group of Sasak men in front of the gate
of the temple in Lingsar.
Lombok series by C.J. Neeb
Christiaan J. Neeb (1860 – 1925) served as a medical officer in the Royal Netherlands
East Indies Army (KNIL) and was also a skilled photographer. In 1894, he participated
in two military expeditions to Lombok, during which he captured a series of
photographs. These images were subsequently distributed by the Charls & van Es
photography studio in Soerabaia. This section presents ten of these photographs.
NB07 - A KNIL column on the road from Ampenan
to Mataram. The photograph was taken on June
11, 1894.
NB08 - The men of Lt. Col. Scheuer posing at their
positions east of Pagesangan. The main artillery is
located in the fortification on the far right.
NB09 - A bamboo bridge over the river Djangkok on
the road from Ampenan to Mataram.
NB10 - KNIL guards at the western gate of Mataram.