
CRA gallery

Vintage travel brochures & photographs
© 2014-2024 MJT     														                     V.14.12.24
WS01 - “No.360: Crown Prince.”
WS02 - “No.367: The Emperor’s Gamelan.”
WS03 - “No.368: The Rebab and Player.”
WS04 - “No.370: The Gender and Player.”
WS07 - “No.374: The Kenons and Player.”
WS08 - “No.377: The Emperor’s Dwarf.”
WS05 - “No.371: The Suling and Player.”
WS06 - “No.372: The Gong and Player.”
WS09 - “No.379: The Emperor’s Dancing Girls.”
WS10 - “No.385: Gambang Player.”
WS12 - “No.386: Opium Smoker (Javanese).”
WS11 - “No.366: Java - Princess.”
Previous Page
WS13 - “No.1278: A Trumpeter.”
WS14 - “No.1279: A Fifer.”
WS17 - “No.1301: A Coachman.”
WS18 - “No.1306: Malay Boy: Errand Boy.”
WS15 - “No.1281: A Drummer.”
WS16 - “No.1283: A Soldier.”
WS19 - “No.1307: Malay Girl: Study.”
WS20 - “No.1308: Malay Girl: Study.”
WS21 - “S.44: Emperor’s Dancing Girls.”
WS22 - “S.45: Emperor’s Band.”
WS23 - “S.48: Emperor’s Flute.”
WS24 - “S.50: Emperor’s Trumpet.”
Woodburytype lantern slides Walter Woodbury (1834 - 1885) was a British photographer and inventor. In May 1857 he arrived in Batavia where he founded a photo studio together with another British photographer James Page (1833-1865). In early 1863 Woodbury returned to England where he worked on several inventions and technical innovations. One of these inventions was the Woodburytype slide which is a form of photographic glass slide. The 36 Woodburytype slides shown in this section were made using photographic negatives that were produced by Woodbury and Page during their stay in Java. All slides measure 3¼ inch (square) except for slides WS11 and WS31 which are slightly larger at 3¼ inch x 3¾ inch and 3¼ inch x 4¼ inch, respectively. The slides are from different manufacturers and use different numbering systems. However, the numbering of most slides is consistent with the Woodbury catalogue (Java & the Javanese series) or the Liesegang catalogue (Serie 714, Java and Sumatra), see the book “Stereoviews of the Moluccas, Java and Sumatra” by R. Nootenboom for further details. The slides WS21 through WS24 (marketed by Henry J. Murphy) have an unknown numbering.
WS25 - “No.1305: Malay children: Lower class.”
WS26 - “No.1314: Chinese children: High class.”
WS27 - “No.393: A sweetmeat vendor.”
WS28 - “No.56: Njai: a native housekeeper.”
WS29 - “No.391: Java: Girl lower class.”
WS30 - “No.102: Java: Officer full dress.”
WS31 - “No.388: Bride and bridegroom.”
WS32 - “S.38: Prince Barto Negoro.”
WS33 - “No.4048: Javanese Emperor.”
WS34 - “No.392: A Girl of the Lower Class.”
WS35 - “No.366: Java - Princess.”
WS36 - “No.261: Young princes, native costume.”