
CRA gallery

Vintage travel brochures & photographs
© 2014-2024 MJT     														                     V.18.02.24
M02 (click on image to enlarge)
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Dimensions: 251 x 205 x 30 mm 3 Publisher: Bureau voor Handel en Reisverkeer Printer: - Date: ~1910 Description: Box with 51 coloured plates (each 136 x 86 mm 2 ) mounted on thin supports (231 x 191 mm 2 ). The plates depict hotels, shops, tourist attractions, street scenes etc. mainly from Java. Guilt text in the plates describes the images. In the lower left corner of the supports is an image of either Praboe Ngastino, Ontoredjo, Praboe Dorowati, Brontoseno, Ardjoeno or Batoro Goeroe.
Java. Inlandsche jeugd bij ‘t spel.
Weltevreden. Eerste Bataviasche bierhal.
Soerabaia. Grimm & Co.
Weltevreden. Paser Baroe, Kunsthandel Tio Tek Hong.