
CRA gallery

Vintage travel brochures & photographs
© 2014-2025 MJT     														                     V.24.01.25
M02 (click on image to enlarge)
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Dimensions: 251 x 205 x 30 mm 3 Publisher: Bureau voor Handel en Reisverkeer Printer: - Date: ~1910 Description: Box containing 51 coloured plates (each measuring 136 x 86 mm 2 ) mounted on thin supports (231 x 191 mm 2 ). The plates depict hotels, shops, tourist attractions, street scenes, etc., primarily from Java. Gilt text on the plates describes the images. In the lower-left corner of the supports is an image of one of the following traditional figures: Praboe Ngastino, Ontoredjo, Praboe Dorowati, Brontoseno, Ardjoeno, or Batoro Goeroe.
Java. Inlandsche jeugd bij ‘t spel.
Weltevreden. Eerste Bataviasche bierhal.
Soerabaia. Grimm & Co.
Weltevreden. Paser Baroe, Kunsthandel Tio Tek Hong.