
CRA gallery

Vintage travel brochures & photographs
© 2014-2024 MJT     														                     V.18.02.24
M03 (click on image to enlarge)
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Dimensions: 99 x 139 mm 2 Publisher: Nederlandsch-Indisch Publiciteitsbureau N.V.* Printer: M. Lindenbaum & Co., Amsterdam Date: 1910 Description: English language booklet promoting the town of Batavia as a destination for tourists and business travellers. It has 16 pages of text with information on Batavia. The booklet contains five colour postcards (Museum, Passer Baroe, Wilhelmina park, Waterloo square, Williams lane) and ten full-page commercial advertisements. See also M09. (hardcover, 18 pages, stapled) *The “Nederlandsch-Indisch Publiciteitsbureau N.V.” was a publicly held company with offices in Soerabaya and Batavia.