
CRA gallery

Vintage travel brochures & photographs
© 2014-2024 MJT     														                     V.18.02.24
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Dimensions: 183 x 130 mm 2 Description: School in Malang with the hats of the pupils on the outer wall.
Dimensions: 182 x 130 mm 2 Description: Street in Malang.
Dimensions: 182 x 131 mm 2 Description: Clubhouse of Sociëteit Concordia in Malang. It was built in 1896.
Dimensions: 180 x 132 mm 2 Description: People gathered on the aloen aloen (central square) of Malang.
Dimensions: 180 x 132 mm 2 Description: Scene in Soember Poetjoeng located in the district Kepandjen south of Malang.
Dimensions: 181 x 130 mm 2 Description: Tobacco barn in Pasirian located south east of Malang.
Dimensions: 181 x 130 mm 2 Description: Inside view of the above tobacco barn.