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Vintage travel brochures & photographs
© 2014-2024 MJT     														                     V.18.02.24
Photograph PM21 (click on image to enlarge)
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Dimensions: 232 x 172 mm 2 Photographer: C. Nieuwenhuis Date: 1918-1919 Description: Group portrait depicting Dutch and native dignitaries in a West Sumatra village. The names of the Dutch officials are written on the mount. From left to right: 1. P.E. Maier - medical officer; 2. A. Geertsema Beckeringh - Kolonel der infanterie, Military commander of West Sumatra 3. J.D.L. Le Febvre - Resident of West Sumatra 4. J.K. Koops Dekker - Majoor der infanterie 5. P.C. Arends - Assistent Resident 6. S. Schoggers - Controleur