Travel Brochures

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Vintage travel brochures & photographs
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Travel Brochure TB111 (click on image to enlarge)
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Dimensions: 101 x 129 mm 2 Title: Guide to the Dutch East Indies Publisher: Luzac & Co, London / G. Kolff & Co, Batavia Author: J.F. van Bemmelen and G.B. Hooijer Printer: Stephen Austin & Sons, Hertford, UK Date: 1897 Description: The guide with original title (in Dutch language) “Reisgids voor Nederlands-Indie” has 16 b/w plates, 13 maps and includes a colour map of the Dutch East Indies on a scale 1:10.000.000 with an overview of the scheduled services of KPM. The main text (202 pages) is followed by a 12 page Luzac catalogue. The guide was translated into English by B.J. Berrington. (hardcover, 202 pages)