Travel Brochures

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Vintage travel brochures & photographs
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Travel Brochure TB32 (click on image to enlarge)
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Dimensions: 92 x 258 mm 2 Publisher: Official Tourist Bureau of the Netherlands East Indies Branch Office for the East Coast of Sumatra Printer: G. Kolff & Co., Weltevreden, Java, N.E.I. Date: June 1929 Description: The folder “Deli and Environs” has 18 panels with text, illustrations and b/w images. Most of the text focuses on the route from Medan to Prapat and the main attractions in and near Prapat. There is also information on sailing schedules and tariffs for steamship services to and from Belawan. The folder has 13 b/w images after photographs by K.J. John. The cover design is by L. Amiot. It is mentioned in this folder that the branch office of the Official Tourist Bureau for the East Coast of Sumatra is housed in the KPM office in Medan, which is consistent with the information given in KPM brochure TB110.