Travel Brochures

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Vintage travel brochures & photographs
© 2014-2024 MJT     														                     V.30.09.24
Travel Brochure TB40 (click on image to enlarge)
Beschriftungstext 1
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Dimensions: 95 x 241 mm 2 Publisher: SMN, KPM and JCJL Printer: Senefelder printing company Ltd., Amsterdam Date: - Description: Joint publication by four Dutch shipping lines (Nederland Line (SMN), Rotterdam Lloyd, Royal Packet Navigation Company (KPM), and the Java-China-Japan Line) with information for travellers and facts about the Netherlands East Indies. The folder has 10 b/w images (including interior of parlour car of the Netherlands Indies State Railways, modern hotel in Batavia, rice fields, Javanese and Balinese dancers) and a world map showing Dutch shipping line routes. The illustration on the front is based on a photograph, see TB47.