Travel Brochures

CRA gallery

Vintage travel brochures & photographs
© 2014-2024 MJT     														                     V.30.09.24
Travel Brochure TB56 (click on image to enlarge)
Beschriftungstext 1
Dimensions: 121 x 181 mm 2 Publisher: Java China Japan Lijn (JCJL) Printer: De Unie, Batavia, N.E.I. Date: 1935 Description: Brochure entitled “The Direct Route To Bali” featuring the three motorships (Tjisadane, Tjinegara and Tjibadak) that sailed the route Shanghai-Hong Kong-Manila-Macassar- Bali for JCJL, and includes a timetable of the fortnightly service. (softcover, 8 pages, stapled)
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Beschriftungstext 1
Interior - timetable
Beschriftungstext 1