Travel Brochures

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Vintage travel brochures & photographs
© 2014-2024 MJT     														                     V.18.02.24
Travel Brochure TB67 (click on image to enlarge)
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Dimensions: 120 x 164 mm 2 Publisher: Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij (KPM) Printer: G. Kolff & Co., Weltevreden, N.E.I. Date: 1925 Description: The travel guide entitled “Toeristenreis naar de Molukken per KPM” describes the yearly leisure trip from Soerabaia to the Moluccas on board of KPM steamer s.s. Plancius. Although the title suggests that this trip deals only with the Moluccas, an extensive part is dedicated to a visit to Bali. The guide contains many b/w images (including a folding panorama of the island of Ternate) and a fold out map. Also published in English with title: “Through serene seas to the Molucca islands”. (soft cover, 126 pages)