Travel Brochures

CRA gallery

Vintage travel brochures & photographs
© 2014-2024 MJT     														                     V.18.02.24
Travel Brochure TB72 (click on image to enlarge)
Beschriftungstext 1
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Dimensions: 100 x 213 mm 2 Publisher: Koninklijke Nederlandsch-Indische Luchtvaart Maatschappij, KNILM Printer: - Date: - Description: The folder "Java and Sumatra from the air” advertises tourist flights. The folder has two b/w images (Boro Boudour, and Sultan of Djokjakarta makes a call to the flying-ground of Djokjakarta), a map of flight routes, and some pricing. The rear of the folder lists the locations of KNILM offices. The artwork is by F. Dewale.