
CRA gallery

Vintage travel brochures & photographs
© 2014-2024 MJT     														                     V.18.02.24
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Charles Tummers My father, Charles Tummers, travelled to the Dutch East Indies as a sailor in the Dutch navy. He stayed in Soerabaia and later in Hollandia sometime between 1949 and 1951. Even though his encounter with the country was brief, it made a strong impression on him, and in later life he collected many books and documents on the Dutch East Indies. Around my thirties I got involved in this collection, and after my father’s death in August 2013 I began to realize how important this common passion has been to our relationship. Nowadays I am expanding my father’s original collection and new items are regularly added to CRA gallery.
My father and the children of a Dutch family near Hollandia in Nieuw Guinea.
Charles Tummers (4 April 1932 - 2 August 2013). Photograph taken on 2 June 2013.